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FreeZone>Altre di B

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Sherpas always go ahead with their greatness hidden in the background. I'm asking how exhausting it must be. Oh well that's why climbers make their fortune. Could you please consider how it was hard and how it's hard leading such an ironic life? When they arrive on the glacier the mountaineers are still in town. I’m so glad I’m climbing Everest. No traffic and I’m reaching Everest. Oh I’m so sad I’m climbing Everest. Oh nobody cares I’m climbing Everest. Who cares about my Everest? Sherpas often have no merit. They pass unnoticed in the daylight. I guess you know what I refer to, I guess you felt like this many times. At least could you please consider how it was hard and how it's hard leading such an ironic life? When they arrive on the glacier the mountaineers are still in town. I’m so glad I’m climbing Everest. No traffic and I’m reaching Everest. Oh I’m so sad I’m climbing Everest. Oh nobody cares I’m climbing Everest. Who cares about my Everest? I'm so glad I climb my Everest. No traffic and I'm reaching Everest. Oh I’m so sad I’m climbing Everest. Oh nobody cares I’m climbing Everest. Who cares about my Everest?

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreAltre di B
Autore testiAltre di B
EsecutoreAltre di B
Luogo esecuzioneDude Music Studio
RaccoltaLa Musica Libera. Libera la Musica - V edizione: la compilation
ProduttoreStefano Riccò
GenereRock / Garage Rock
ProvenienzaAltre di B
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
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creato:martedì 24 settembre 2013
modificato:martedì 24 settembre 2013